Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Heart Faced Dog

Heart faced dog

"...I recon you will like this fun activity!" Mrs Graham said. My eyes snapped open. I had been daydreaming, that is, until Mrs Graham mentioned a fun activity. So this was our fun activity:
  1. We got into pairs (I went with Cassy)
  2. One person was "A" and the other was "B" (I was B)
  3. Person B(Me) got a whiteboard and whiteboard marker
  4. Person A(Cassy) got a piece of paper that Person B wasn't allowed to see. (can you guess what the picture was? The title kind of gives it away!)
  5. Person A described the picture on the piece of paper to person B ONLY USING SHAPES AND LINES
We got this!
We think we could of done the ears a bit better!

Here are some perfect instructions

Why don't you try?

1 comment:

Murray said...

That does sound like fun :)