Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Word problem 1-bins

Ariana and Teileh empty the room 24 bins in term 3, twice a week.

In week 8 they counted 243 pieces of paper on Wednesday and 199 pieces on Friday.
In week 9 they counted 312 pieces of paper on Wednesday and 209 pieces of Friday.
What to find out:

  1.  How many pieces of paper were collected in week 8?
  2.  How many pieces of paper were collected in week 9?
  3. What was the difference between week 8 and 9?
When they were sorting the bins in week in week 8 Ariana found 56 pieces of paper that had food on it so it had to go into the landfill. In week 9 Teileh found 64 pieces of paper that had paint on it that had to go into the landfill. how much paper actually went into the recycle bin for both weeks?

442-56=386 512-64=448 386+448=834

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