Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Learning to Simplify Fractions

My reflection

I have been learning to simplify fractions. I have found this fun because I looooooooooooooove simplifying fractions. my next step is to do stuff like 1234. 123

Friday, 17 June 2016

Using a Glossary, Index and Table of Contents to Get Information.

My reflection
I have been learning to use a Glossary, Index and table of contents to help me get information I have used the table of contents to help me to get to the page about Saturn. I found this interesting because it made things a lot quicker. My next step is to use these tools to help me find info in the future.

Explanation Writing

My reflection

I have been learning to write a simple explanation. This is the process I used to write my explanation with my buddy witch was Jason. First we did a brainstorm on popplet to list information  

Bike skills 2016

My reflection

Bike skills was really fun and I would like to do it next year and the next and all the others

Matariki Presantation

My refection
I have been learning to find information by skimming and scanning. I used key words to help me find information, then I summerised the information I found. The thing I enjoyed most was making more slides. My next step is to do a more difficult Presentation

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

term 2 week 2 diary post

Dear diary,

You are never going to believe what happened last week, I do not know? We had an inquiry launch day with MATTER. Did you really launch a rocket full of MATTER?

 Good question. The answer is 1 no matter is anything that tacks up space for an example your computer witch is a solid what is a solid the other types of matter are solids as I already told you liquids like stuff that is runny but do not always have to be, some others are, gasses is the stuff that we breath, now for the complicated ones, plasma have you ever wondered what the sun is made out of? well it is made of plasma, I bet you thought it was a liquid!  But! You would have been wrong, it is made of plasma did you know that-or what plasma is well now you know. So the workshops were:

A MATTER sorter game-room 12
A glop experiment-room 14-with my mum
A MATTER video-the adatorem
A egg experiment-room 13
A lava-lamp experiment-room 15
all a little cool

first experiment: a video, rate of interest: quite low
second experiment was: the glop experiment  rate of interest very hi!
third experiment: egg experiment rate of interest: a little hi
forth experiment: MATTER sorter game rate of interest very very very hi
last experiment: lava lamp

Now, let me tell you about experiment 4 the MATTER sorter game,  
there were 4 slots and you use the arrow to detect the box into the right slot the boxes were a simple square with a picture in it and a word underneath it at the botem  for an example the word oxygen and a picture of a oxygen mask on  somebody.

 That is it it do you like my story? I bet you do, and about the part at the end about the game if you want to do it to, type in on google, MATTER sorter game. there you go! I felt like a scientist!

Week 5 Term 2 Dairy Post.

Dear dairy,

This week our class was the  learning lightsabers (the best class with the best teacher(s)-as always! We did bike I get to ride one of the  green rockets as for my friend he had to ride a stupid black rocket. We started by getting our helmets on mine was a bit wobbly as  ushiwle at first but it was okay after I got a teacher to help me. When we started I got on my bike, and as I already said I stated my green rocket up and I was of. We started up with the usiwle warm up witch was odviisly riding in a circle for a few minits. The next thing we did was we played the box game, witch is simply riding round in circles and the box/square of people and it got smaller when people got eliminated. People got eliminated by touching the ground and the winner was Janale! That was my 2nd to last time at bike skills. FUN!

Friday, 3 June 2016

What am I Riddle

My reflection

I have been learning to add language features into my writing to make it more interesting.
Did you guess my riddle? It was really fun doing it with Callum and thinking it up. :)